FAQ -Water Service Coordinator - WSC
Why can’t a Building Plan Approval be complete prior to me applying for a Section 73 (if necessary)?
The building plan approval can be issued on the basis that the building is not within the zone of influence (junction only) or is done as a WSC approval if under Major works. However with Minor Works since the design is not approved from Sydney Water the sewer is required to be constructed and a WSC approval is required & must be managed in conjunction with the S73 process.
No BPA can be provided via Quick Check if it falls under Minor or Major Works. A building Plan approval is required to be finalised prior to the Section 73 Certificate is issued.
Who can do a Building Plan Approval for me?
As a Quickcheck agent & Water Services Coordinator, Greg Houston Plumbing can handle your building plan approval completely from start to finish.
The first step in any building plan approval is to have your plans assessed by a Sydney Water Quickcheck agent.
The Quickcheck agent performs a simple assessment of your plans (with the Zone of Influence calculated at double the depth) to identify if the proposed building works will potentially impact on the Sydney Water asset.
If the plans DO potentially impact on the Sydney Water asset, then you will be referred to the WSC (or water service coordination) process which will most likely require a service protection report (sewer pegout) in order for the WSC assessment to be completed & requirements set if required.
A section 73 certificate is required by council to determine that the proposed property is sufficiently serviced by sewer and water. Most common types of developments requiring a Section 73 Certificate
Dual Occupancies
Mixed Use
Granny flats (only required if council states it on DA)
The Fee for the section 73 application only is $950.00 additional charges may apply depending on the scope of works required.
A Preliminary assessment cannot be provided. Once all the information has been supplied as part of the application form.
Our team will only advise initially if your project is deemed a “complying application” or needs to be referred to Sydney Water for further assessment. Requirements will be issued in the Advice letter (complying) or Notice of Requirements (Sydney Water)
A Preliminary assessment cannot be provided. Once all the information has been supplied as part of the application form.
Our team will only advise initially if your project is deemed a “complying application” or needs to be referred to Sydney Water for further assessment. Requirements will be issued in the Advice letter (complying) or Notice of Requirements (Sydney Water)
What is the difference between a complying application and one that needs to get referred to Sydney Water?
Your Section 73 certificate will not be issued until all requirements have been met either under the complying or the Notice of Requirements.
When can I get my Certificate?
Your Section 73 certificate will not be issued until all requirements have been met either under the complying or the Notice of Requirements.
Why do I need a Building Plan Approval?
The Zone of Influence is the method used to determine what level of proximity your proposed building works has to nearby Sydney Water assets.
You will be required to follow different processes within Sydney Water depending on these assessments.
The ZOI is calculated differently depending on which stage of the process you are up to.
At Quickcheck stage, it is calculated by double the depth of the sewer, At WSC stage, after assessing the pegout/service protection report the calculations are 1:1 (in clay/soil ground) or 1:2 (in sandy ground) + either 600mm (sewer < 2.5M) or 900mm (sewer > 2.5M) minimum clearance of the sewer.
What is a "Zone of Influence"?
The Zone of Influence is the method used to determine what level of proximity your proposed building works has to nearby Sydney Water assets.
You will be required to follow different processes within Sydney Water depending on these assessments.
The ZOI is calculated differently depending on which stage of the process you are up to.
At Quickcheck stage, it is calculated by double the depth of the sewer, At WSC stage, after assessing the pegout/service protection report the calculations are 1:1 (in clay/soil ground) or 1:2 (in sandy ground) + either 600mm (sewer < 2.5M) or 900mm (sewer > 2.5M) minimum clearance of the sewer.
Why do I need a Pegout/SPR?
The most common reason for a pegout/SPR is that your proposed plans cannot be stamped at the Quickcheck stage & require further more accurate investigation.
This ensures that all planning & approvals from this point forward are 100% accurate protecting the land owner, builder, WSC & Sydney Water.
SPR’s can be requested should you wish to determine the location of the sewer for other purposes & also proactively earlier in the planning process to assist in the design phase.
How much does a Pegout cost
The most common reason for a pegout/SPR is that your proposed plans cannot be stamped at the Quickcheck stage & require further more accurate investigation.
This ensures that all planning & approvals from this point forward are 100% accurate protecting the land owner, builder, WSC & Sydney Water.
SPR’s can be requested should you wish to determine the location of the sewer for other purposes & also proactively earlier in the planning process to assist in the design phase.
What is included in the WSC Package?
The WSC package is designed to cover all your needs when seeking WSC building plan approval. Primarily the determination of requirements, assessment of site & structural engineering plans.
If required we will attempt to source the WAC plan, carry out the pegout/SPR & also inspect the concrete encasement and/or piering for no additional cost.
It’s free when you require a package as per the Sydney Water process.
How soon can the Inspectors visit site?
GHP Inspectors require 48hrs notice in order to ensure we can attend site during the time you require.
Anything outside of these terms cannot be guaranteed & may attract additional charges depending on the circumstances
What is a Main to Meter?
A Main to Meter is a Water and Property Service for each lot in your proposed development.
An inspection fee from GHP applies for inspection and lock and tag ($440)
How do I do a main to meter?
A Main to meter service can be done by any licensed plumber/driller. You must have frontage to a water main that is the right size. The main must be available for connection and its own connection (drilling) to that water main and a property service (main to meter) that is available for the fitting of a meter. You must provide this water service connection and property service (main to meter) at your cost for all lots in your development.
Greg Houston Plumbing Pty Ltd, as the authorized Water Servicing Co-Ordinator, is also required to inspect, lock & tag the new service/s.
Please call our inspection team on 0415 671 467, at least 48hrs prior to the inspection time required. Contact details for your inspector are located on your building plan approval.
We recommend you review this entire document prior to commencing construction to ensure you are able to comply with all conditions.
Please call our inspection team on 0415 671 467, at least 48hrs prior to the inspection time required.
Contact details for your inspector are located on your building plan approval.
We recommend you review this entire document prior to commencing construction to ensure you are able to comply with all conditions.
Is Construction included in your Tender fee?
No, our “WSC” Minor or Major works tender is only for Design and Project Management.
However our tender does include obtaining 3 construction quotes for the client. One quote will be from GHP the other 2 will be from other constructors we can recommend & deal with on a regular basis
Do you provide a Construction Quote for Minor/Major Works?
Yes, our tender does include obtaining 3 construction quotes for the client. One quote will be from GHP the other 2 will be from other constructors will deal with on a regular basis
As a Quick check agent & Water Services Coordinator, Greg Houston Plumbing can handle your building plan approval completely from start to finish.
The first step in any building plan approval is to have your plans assessed by a Sydney Water Quickcheck agent.
The Quickcheck agent performs a simple assessmen t of your plans {with the Zone of Influence calculated at double the dept h) to identify if the proposed building works will potentially impact on the Sydney Water asset . If the plans DO potentially impact on the Sydney Water asset, then you w ill be referred to the WSC {or water service coordination) process which will most likely require a service protection report (sewer pegout) in order for the WSC assessment to be completed & requirements set if required.
The Management part of the tender includes:
Completing design
Requesting tenders
Preparing Construction packages
Supervision of construction
Completing hand over
Obtaining Section 73 Certificate for client
More information is provided within the tender.
Can you carry out the Construction of required works?
The building plan approval can be issued on the basis that the building is not within the zone of influence (junction only) or is done as a WSC approval if under Major works. However with Minor Works since the design is not approved from Sydney Water the sewer is required to be constructed and a WSC approval is required & must be managed in conjunction with the S73 process.
No BPA can be provided via Quick Check if it falls under Minor or Major Works. A building Plan approval is required to be finalised prior to the Section 73 Certificate is issued.